3 Steps of Multi-institute FAP Implementation
Restricted FAP
All PIs should independently start FAP (with exactly same curriculum, may be a modified version of the proposed one in Panel-1).
Either currently available number of CS/IT/ECE seats may be partitioned OR fresh seats may be introduced as per the priority of individual institute.
Intake to individual institute will be held as per their exiting norms, and they will award the degree to students admitted in their institutes.
Limited flexibilities e.g. temporary transfer to other institutes offering FAP (returning back to the parent institute),multimode, multilingual etc. may be offered to students admitted in this program as may be decided by the respective Senate.
The FAP consortium will coordinate these activities and provide centralized support for transparent implementation, e.g. JoSAA functionalities may be extended for conducting transfer rounds after completion of 2nd, 4th, 6th,8th, 10th Semesters.
Some provisions of FAP may be toped up over the existing programs in IT/CS/ECE.
Students may be allowed to transfer in both directions depending upon their performances (in entrance exam and afterwards), and against the vacant seats.
Transfers will be permanent. FAP consortium may coordinate.
Full FAP
The students are admitted in a Virtual Institution (VI). It will issue temporary VISAs to them for visiting a particular institute in a semester. The students will return back to VI after expiration of the VISA.
he VI will award the certificate/degree at the exit points.
In depth discussions on the above said (and other possible implementations) will be held in the Panel-5